
Sunday, 23 July 2017

Monitor your Data usage in Windows 10

Windows 10 is a worldwide operating system, Microsoft has built in some data-monitoring tools for users with a limited data connection.

Desktop users probably don't need to concern themselves with network data usage, but tablet and laptop users may find these tools helpful.

See how much data you're using

network and settings

Basic overview of your network usage, you can open up the Settings menu and go to Network & Internet and click Data usage.

Set up a Metered Connection

If you don't want Windows to automatically download large updates (including app updates), you can set your Wi-Fi connection to "metered."

  •   Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi, scroll down to the bottom of the list of Wi-Fi networks.
  •  click Advanced options.
  • In the Advance options menu, you 'll see an option to turn Set as metered connection on or off.

Data-Saving Tips

Simply limiting your connection isn't enough to really save data -- while it means you won't get big Windows updates until you connect to a non-metered connection, apps will still run and sync in the background.

You can turn off background activity for individual apps (again, only native Windows 10 apps on this list) by switching the toggle next to the app to Off.
You can also save some data by disabling unnecessary syncing -- specifically, Windows 10's settings syncing, which syncs your Windows 10 settings across devices.

sync settings windows 10

To do this, go to Settings > Accounts > Sync your settings and switch Sync settings to Off.

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