
Wednesday, 9 August 2017



qr code

A QR Code (it stands for "Quick Response") is a mobile phone readable barcode that's been big in Japan forever, broke into Europe and China a while back, and in recent years has become popular in the US.
In its simplest sense think "print based hypertext link" - simply encode a URL into the QR Code and then point a mobile phone or tablet at it. If the device has a QR Code decoding app installed on it and go straight to that URL.
But it doesn't stop there - a QR Code can also contain a phone number, an SMS or email message, V-Card contact details or just plain alphanumeric text, and the scanning device will respond by opening up the correct application on the phone to handle the encoded data appropriately courtesy of the FNC1 Application Identifiers that are embedded in the encoded data.
The technical specifications for a QR Code are set down in the ISO-18004 standard so they are the same all over the world, and the only significant variations from one QR code to another (apart from the data it contains) is the number of modules required to store the data. A Version 1 QR Code is a 21x21 array of data elements with the array increasing in size by 4 modules for each increase in version number. The largest standard QR Code is a Version 40 symbol that 177x177 modules in size and can hold up 4296 characters of alphanumeric data (theoretically) compared to 25 characters for a Version 1 QR Code.

While there is still a bit of scope for improvement, the resolution of average present-day camera-enabled smart phones is such that the size of the data modules (dots) on a QR Code of Version 10 or above (57x57) presents a real risk of incorrect decoding of the symbol by the device. When creating a QR Code intended for use with mobile phones it's best to stick to Version 7 (45x45 data modules) or lower, and a QR Code symbol of at least 2cm (0.85inches) across.
To make things a bit more robust, the QR Code also contains its own error correction data, internal orientation calibration and self-alignment markers. In this way it doesn't matter whether the QR code is upside down or wrapped around a curved surface, the message will still get through.
qr code gif


The uses of QR codes are as wide and varied as your imagination and are regularly used in sales, marketing, advertising, education, business and technical communication, asset management, and event management, with QR codes being added to brochures, signage, documents, packaging, and products.

QR codes can be used for anything conventional bar codes are, so right there you have many functionalities. But there are a lot of things QR codes are capable of that conventional bar codes are not, due to their limitations. So how is this reflected in its applications?

QR codes have come a long way since their creation, having first been developed to help track parts in the manufacturing process of vehicles. Today they have a number of purposes, including transport ticketing, entertainment, commercial tracking, and product labeling/marketing. You can find QR codes being used to send audiences to a website for browsing, to bookmark a webpage, to initiate phone calls, send short messages, send emails, produce links to web URL’s, connect to WI-FI networks, access information, get coupons, view videos, purchase items, process orders, advertise products, etc.

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Monitor your Data usage in Windows 10

Windows 10 is a worldwide operating system, Microsoft has built in some data-monitoring tools for users with a limited data connection.

Desktop users probably don't need to concern themselves with network data usage, but tablet and laptop users may find these tools helpful.

See how much data you're using

network and settings

Basic overview of your network usage, you can open up the Settings menu and go to Network & Internet and click Data usage.

Set up a Metered Connection

If you don't want Windows to automatically download large updates (including app updates), you can set your Wi-Fi connection to "metered."

  •   Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Wi-Fi, scroll down to the bottom of the list of Wi-Fi networks.
  •  click Advanced options.
  • In the Advance options menu, you 'll see an option to turn Set as metered connection on or off.

Data-Saving Tips

Simply limiting your connection isn't enough to really save data -- while it means you won't get big Windows updates until you connect to a non-metered connection, apps will still run and sync in the background.

You can turn off background activity for individual apps (again, only native Windows 10 apps on this list) by switching the toggle next to the app to Off.
You can also save some data by disabling unnecessary syncing -- specifically, Windows 10's settings syncing, which syncs your Windows 10 settings across devices.

sync settings windows 10

To do this, go to Settings > Accounts > Sync your settings and switch Sync settings to Off.

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Google Cloud Print - Print from Any where in the World

Google Cloud Print
Google Cloud Print is a technology from Google  which allows us to print the documents or the screen or any webpage by a printer which is connected to your computer or to a computer which is even not connected to your computer. All is just you need three things.

1. A Google chrome browser.
2. A Google account
3. A printer connected to Google cloud account.

You just need to have to do these simple steps.

  • Open the Google Chrome Browser, and then go to settings. 
  • click on to the show advanced settings and find the Google cloud print option.
  • enter into Google cloud print web application site.
  • click on registration accepting option.
  • click in Manage Printers Option.

 you can add your printer using the option Add a classic printer. If you own a cloud printer you can select cloud printer option. Most of us use the classic printer in our home. Now just press Ctrl+P to print the page where you are looking at to print it. And now select the printer.

The most interesting part of it is you can print the page by a printer which might be at any place or in the any part of the world. But it should be connected to the Google cloud account. And you can print by using a mobile phone or by using a Tablet. You do not need a computer. Just you need is Google account and such a mobile device.

google print share

If you just want to print any doc file or any image, just click on print option and upload the file and select the printer.
Suppose if you are in India, and you want to print it by a printer which is in America or just be at any where. Just do the same procedure. For doing such, you or the recipient should share the printer with the other.

The procedure is so easy. If you have a printer just share it by selecting the printer and click on share Button. Now type the email address of the person with whom you want share it on the dialog box when it pops-up. Now he or she just has to accept that request. Just by just reloading the page recipient can find request to accept. When he or she accepts, that's it, now they shares your printer. And they can give print by the same procedure as mentioned above.

They just need to upload the file and select the printer and they have to click on print. That's all. They will receive the printed page from the printer.

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Why ‘C’ Is The Default Drive Of Windows Computer Instead Of A or B ?

The drives beyond C are labeled D, E, and so on. Additionally, if you plug in your USB flash drives you will get F and G drive. So, what about A and B?

In early generations, computers didn’t have huge internal storage systems. In fact, hard disk drives became standard since 1980. Before hard disk drives, floppy disk drives were used as the storage devices

Floppy Drives
Floppy disk drives are the primary storage devices that came to existence since 1960. At that time, floppy disk drives came in two sizes 5 1/4″ and 3 1/2″. These two drives were labeled as Local Disk (A) and Local Disk (B).

As we mentioned earlier, in 1980, hard disk came into existence and it gradually became the primary source for storage systems in computers and it was labeled with Local Disk (C) because Local Disk (A) and Local Disk (B) were already assigned to floppy disks.

Now, Floppy disks are outdated. So, Local Disk (A) and Local Disk (B) are not seen anymore in Windows operating system. Users can change the labeling order to start from A or B by going through Disk management option.

I Phone Hidden Codes


It will display your iPhone IMEI. It is an identifier for your mobile phone hardware.

This code opens you field mode which contains all of iPhone personal settings, cell information, and newest network.

You can check the number to call forward when the iPhone is busy. And again, but for when the iPhone is busy.

You can check call control bars by using this code. Also for seeing whether barring is enabled or disabled for outgoing you can check all the usual suspects like fax, SMS, voice, information, etc.
To check numbers of missed calls.
It allows you hide your number.

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Use your Computer Keyboard as Computer Mouse

Sometimes if your mouse breaks, runs out of batteries, or if you want to have an alternative way to the cursor, you can use the arrow keys on the numeric keypad.
 Before proceeding, make sure the Num Lock feature is toggled on by pressing the key until you see an indicator light, or can type numbers with the keypad.

Shortcut in all versions of Windows

  1. Press Alt + Shift + Num Lock on your keyboard at the same time.
  2. When the window appears, press Spacebar or Enter.
  3. Repeat this process to turn Mouse Keys off.

Windows 10

If the shortcut key combination listed above did not work, you may enable or disable Mouse Keys, using the following steps. If your mouse isn't working, use the Tab key and Spacebar to navigate through menus.

1.   Press the Windows key on your keyboard.

2.   In the box that appears, type Ease of Access mouse settings and press Enter.

3.   In the Mouse Keys section, toggle the switch under Use numeric pad to move mouse around the screen to On.

4.   Press Alt+F4 to exit this menu.

How to use Mouse Keys

The following table shows each of the keys on the Numeric Keypad and how they interact with the mouse cursor. Make sure you're only using the Keypad to execute these actions.

Desired Action

Key Combination
Move up and to the left
Press 7
Move up
Press 8
Move up and to the right
Press 9
Move left
Press 4
Move right
Press 6
Move down and to the left
Press 1
Move down
Press 2
Move down and to the right
Press 3
Select the left mouse button
Press /
Select both of the mouse buttons
Press *
Select the right mouse button
Press -
With the left button selected, press 5
With the right button selected, press 5